Level 3 Award Repair and Maintenance of Traditional (pre 1919) Buildings

Holyhead Market Hall, Ynys Mon

15 & 16 July 2024
PLA funding available

This accredited course is an indispensable addition to the CPD portfolio of anyone who works within the construction or heritage construction industry. Through both theoretical and practical examples the course covers the most critical areas of knowledge required before working on old buildings. The knowledgeable and experienced tutors use case studies and practical demonstrations to enable candidates to put their learning into real life context.
The training can be adapted to focus on a particular trade area such as carpentry, plastering or masonry or it can be more general, depending on the requirements of the candidate group.
Summary of content
•Significance and sustainability‐ why old buildings are important to our past present and future
•Mechanics of old buildings
•Lime and breathability
•Practical demonstrations relating to lime science, types of lime, mixes and aggregates
•Building defects‐ causes and appropriate materials and methods for repair
•Building defects‐ case studies to look at good and bad examples of repair work
•Legislation, definitions and roles
•Planning work on historic building
•Specialist investigation techniques
•Principles of alteration
•Low carbon and historic buildings
Who should attend?
This training is suitable for anyone who works in the construction or heritage construction industry including contractors and specifiers.


Register interest for this course

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